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2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-04-25 [Goldice]: exactly. i didnt actually want a personal attack.

2005-04-25 [elainetje666]: god, what is it with the thing if your gothic or not? its not something you Are or Aren't. "gothic" is actually a lifestyle, it comes from the middleages, not from some punkwhatever. i dont get why the deal is so big of being something or not being something. nice for you if you like to dress up like something that is being labeled "gothic" is there some kind of list you have to fill up to before you can cal yourself something? im not picking anyone's side, but why is there such a fuss about it?

2005-04-25 [Rambert]: I second those thoughts.

2005-04-25 [Spanakopida]: I don't understand what elainet's little rant has to do with anything we just said. I mean, I sort of understand what he/she is saying, but I don't understand why it's relevant.

2005-04-25 [56fgghf9hgf]: I second Spanakopida's comment... Also, being "goth" is FAR more than outward apprearences. And it did come from the ashes of punk, goth was just the name given to the subculture

2005-04-25 [girl. interrupted.]: Say whatever you want, Oblivion's Lover, but if you need a definition of a goth to prove you are one, then you really aren't a goth at all. If you need to prove how much you are a goth, than I think you're trying a little bit too hard. 'Goth' isn't one specific thing, or one specific type of person. It goes a lot deeper than that. In my opinion, you are just as shallow and fake as any good prep, which any TRUE goth is apparently supposed to hate. So please, think about that for a while if you're not too busy calling someone a cunt for something shallow and brainless.

2005-04-25 [Spanakopida]: "you are just as shallow and fake as any good prep, which any TRUE goth is apparently supposed to hate." You fail at life. Before that comment I took you somewhat seriously. Now, just, you just fail.

2005-04-25 [Rambert]: I don't think there even is such a thing as being a TRUE goth anyway, because then you'd have to define yourself as such, at which point smokey here says that "if you need a definition... you really aren't a goth at all." So I rest my case: goths don't exist.

2005-04-25 [Rambert]: Ban me if you like, cuntstitches, but I rest my case.

2005-04-25 [Spanakopida]: I think that if you really are "goth" you should be able to back yourself up with legitimate reasons if need be. That doesn't mean you go around shouting them at everyone.

2005-04-25 [Rambert]: But see, the whole thing is that people shouldn't need to "back up" themselves at all. People should just be themselves, not a subculture or anything else. You don't need, or shouldn't need, anyway, to prove who you are to anyone but yourself.

2005-04-25 [Spanakopida]: But how do they prove they are themselves?

2005-04-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I just did a speech on this, only it was the opposite... not to judge a person on subcultures... but at the same time, I have to agree; just because you associate yourself with a certain social group, it does not mean that you are that subculture.

2005-04-25 [Spanakopida]: You also say that people "should be" themselves. Maybe they should, but not everyone is.

2005-04-25 [Rambert]: By being themselves. See, we spend too much time analyzing our personalities that we get confused as to who we really are. Most people could care less whether you are a "true goth" or not, just so long as you are being true to yourself, and not just following a trend to be cool, or something to that effect. Really, if people ask you to prove yourself, that just means that they are insecure about themselves, so they need someone to criticize.

2005-04-25 [Spanakopida]: But what if you ARE following a trend to be cool? then how do you separate those people from the "true to themselves" group?

2005-04-26 [Rambert]: You just have to discern for yourself who is being real and who is fake. It may be a tad judgemental, but once you get to know people you can tell when they're talking. It's either, "I dunno if I'm going to the movie, because my friends think it's stupid" or "This movie sounded really interesting, and I wanna go see it tonight."

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: that's the pathetic thing... people are too lazy to find an individualism for themselves. They depend on media and social stigma to tell them what they should do.

2005-04-26 [Spanakopida]: But maybe you judge wrong? Shouldn't people be able to back up who they are?

2005-04-26 [AbLam]: Not necessarily. I mean let's say you're just a 'normal person'. (whatever that is, as far as i'm concerned we're all 'normal) How do you define 'Normal'? just like how do you define 'goth' or 'prep' or 'sk8er' or whatnot. It's hard to define anything with an explanation or a description. You just are who you are.

2005-04-26 [AbLam]: And TRUE goths don't hate preps or anything, they just have a different persepctive on life. Just like preps and everyone. Just be people, People!

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: dear god. like cunstictches said, i fucked up. ONCE. and that made everyone one here dislike me. But I fucked up ONCE and ONCE only. what i did was stupid, no doubt, but what can I do? I’ve said sorry and ive tried my hardest to make up for it. but in the end, it seems whatever i do will not matter because you will hold this against me, because thats what happens on cyber space. you do not know me well enough to change your minds, and you never will. The end. I do not have the time, energy, or desire to argue about this issue anymore. Just accept me for what I AM, not what has been said about me. Like I said before, I will write it for those who really care...

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: ... but at this moment in time I have much more important things to be doing in my life at the moment. Case closed.

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: wow. Where to start? First, you fucked up once only, but that once only was a pretty big fuck-up. If you were a pure "true goth," then you would be able to at least offer your own personal opinion, instead of copying and pasting some bullshit from the internet. My God, man, find your own identity; dont just look at a few cultures/subcultures and say "oooooh, pretty, me want!" Stand up for yourself and find your own individualism. I am many different things, and yes, at times I consider myself "goth," but I dont run around shouting "I want to kill myself because daddy hates me and I cant take life anymore!" I simply do not understand the concept of the gothic subculture that is>

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: i never said i did that, dearie. my daddy doesnt hate me ^^ i have a simply peachy life at the moment. ture, it was proberbly the stupidest things i have EVER done, but hey, how will YOU ever know? you cant just change into a goth you know. even most total social retards know that. ive thought this way my whole life. i think the issue is totally ridicuolous.

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: in the media today. It is full of little shits screaming the same thing that I just said and it is really... pathetic, when you think about it. Who would really want to be "cool" by being dark and 'evil' and suicidal. As far as I can tell, it's just the whole attention-seeking thing. It's amusing at the same time, because these kiddos think that by becoming suicidal and big and black (ooooh, scary), they can attract other kiddos who will offer them the love and affection that they think they deserve. Alright, well that concludes pt. one of my rant. The second is short and sweet... If you really have better things to do, why the fuck are you still here? You say "I have much more>

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: important things to do in my life" yet you stick around to argue why you think you should still be around. I have to say, I found you amusing when you offer your points, but now I am getting a bit bored, thus the rant. So, I suggest you charge an actual plausible argument instead of "waaaah, I fucked up once so you should reinstate me!" Until then, goodbye.

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: what is 'here'. there is no point me writing it out, because noone will belive it is mine or is influenced by something i already read. the only way to back out of this is to try and correct the damaged opinions of me on here myself, NOT a crappy little 'explanation' of something that is impossible to sum up in an explanation. goth has nothing to do with what you wrote above. these kiddos just think it is. the should go by their own name, instad of trying to link it to something that isnt the same as it. if they want attention, why dont they just streak instead ^^

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: oh and also, i never stated the desire to be reinstated.

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: THAT is my point. You copied a website stating what, apparently, you thought was the nearest to plausible explanation of what "goth" really is. Now, it may not have been "i wear black and am evil and hate my life and my family hates me..." but you offered no personal opinion. Here's a challenge... Yes, it may be influenced by outside articles. Hell, nothing that any of us say is without influence. My challenge to you, my dear [Nymphette], is to offer some plausible opinion of your own, no bullshit article, but an actual personal opinion on your beliefs of "goth." Now, hurry on, little one... if you wish to be reinstated, I would do this as quickly as possible. Thank you!

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: wow. You never stated a desire to be reinstated, then again, I offer the question " the hell....are you here?!"

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: To try and correct this reputation I have gained. As I said before, the reason I did it was because I was short on time and I didn’t think it mattered, not because I cant come up with something of my own. So, dearest oblivion, for you and ONLY you, as for some reason I respect and admire you, I will write it. Happy now?

2005-04-26 [Goldice]: i wouldnt get cheeky lol

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: ~grins~ Yes, very much so. All you need to do is offer a few sentences, unsolicited from outside glamourized websites. Go on and get started then! ~sits back and waits patiently~

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: im being cheeky? well you can wait a tiny bit longer, im off for my tea *skips off*

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: [Goldice], what did you think of my semi-rant?

2005-04-26 [Goldice]: twas good. i totally agree (or was that meant to be sarcy) sorry im not very awake

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: most of it was my opinion, but a few sentences were sarcasm.

2005-04-26 [Goldice]: no i meant your comment to me lol. but yeah i do agree with it. the reason i haven't joined is cos im not gothic and couldnt give you a non-stereotypical explanation

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: well, Im not completely "goth," I just enjoy the culture and yes, some of it is glamourized by the media. But I do have my own personal opinion.

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: one hour and ten minutes later i present you with my opionion. hold on one min as i put in onto a wiki.

2005-04-26 [Goldice]: yeah i know. i would but my parents are like 'im not taking you out dressed like that' so i have dress the way i want but subtly

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: Nymphette's Explanation. lets hope that link works. Put behind everything you think about me, and read this like you are meeting me for the first time. This is MY work. The reason I did what I did as I stated before, was because I had no time. This took me 70 mins, which was a long time for me. I have problems wording things sometimes. I would say it was a waste of my time, but now I think maybe it was worth it…

2005-04-26 [Spanakopida]: Interesting take. So you claim that all intulectuals are "goth"? Is there a particular feature that sets ordinary smart people from goths, then?

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: no, thats not what i said. i said that goths tend to be interlectual, not in an educational sense, a more natural understanding. maybe i should make it more obvious that that is what i mean?

2005-04-26 [Spanakopida]: It's a little vauge. I don't see any real defining charicteristics in the explination.

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: pick it apart as you like, darling. its an opinion. thats the whole point.

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: ~shrug~ The point is that you tried... it is a little weak in some places, but at the same time, it looks nice, and it's not a website, so I commend you.

2005-04-26 [Nymphette]: what parts are weak? and what is weak?!?!? Thats not possible. it is not possible to make a correct statement of goth, that is the whole point. noone can get it bang right. you make it sound like im retarded or something, like you are better then me.

2005-04-26 [Spanakopida]: She's right though.

2005-04-26 [AbLam]: "the point is that you tried?" you make her sound like she is some little kindergartener who is frustrated because she didn't get a good mark on her drawing. Nymphette, it doesn't matter if Oblivion's Lover kicks you off this Wiki page because the important thing is that you are still a hell of a lot better than these two(Oblivion's Lover and Spanakopida). So do us all a favour, both of you. Shut up.

2005-04-26 [Lost in Illusions]: She tried. She made a few valid points, but she doesnt have much stability in the way she went around explaining it. The whole argument is weak if you dont have any true knowledge. Also, I am not in the mood to sit around and argue with two 15 year old pricks who think they know more than everyone else because they're special. I also cannot kick off anyone on this wiki, as I do not own it. It is simply up to [cuntstitches] to decide, though I think she made it rather clear with [Nymphette]. You cant make me shut up, but you could do me a favor and quit being a whiny brat trying to sound impressive.

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: As usual, I completely agree with [AbLam], Oblivion's Lover, it sounds to me like you're the whiny brat trying to be impressive. I really don't believe that you are the great, all-knowing person that you think you are. By the way, Spanakopida, you misspelled 'intellectual.'

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: I totally lost track of this arguement about six pages back >.> *cough*thatssayingsomething*cough*

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: The point is, [Nymphette] has fucked up. Yes, she fucked up. She tried to make up for it, and it works a bit, but it is still a weak argument. What is so hard to understand about it? You and she and your other little 15 year old friend cant do anything about it. I am opinionated, yes, but am in no way trying to impress anyone. Perhaps the reason that you think that of me is because.... you are, in fact, mpressed with me, and you just are too scared to admit it?

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: thank you, [Grey Eyes]. All I wanted to say was simply that, and yes I am being repetitive, [Nymphette] fucked up. Yes, I went off into a little rant, but the point stands... it was about 3 posts, but that was my piece, I said it, and I was done... however, these little 15 year old girls kept arguing, and what can I say? I was bored... and amused.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: Hmm....soo...changing the about those ducks? Did you know they mate for life? =3

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: wow... really? Id love to be able to mate for life...

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: Well, I guess you could think that to help you sleep at night..yay! You would finally have someone who actually liked you, even if it was all in your head...anyways, although it may be true that Nymphette took her explanation from another place but a) who really gives a shit and b) I think the only reason you are slagging her new explanation is because you hold a grudge against her and/or you're trying to look cool and more mature by shutting her down. And you're calling us the young, immature wannabes? Obviously you missed the one staring out of the mirror at you.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: x.x Cha, animals are pretty cool...and it's almost summer-time again...thus it is almost time to go whale-whatch protesting again x.x I have a feeling I spelled "whatch" wrong *explodes*

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: And also, bullshit you didn't try to carry it on...are you either in denial, ignorant, or severely retarded?

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: a) it's illegal b) it was constructive critisism that you're being over offensive with and taking the wrong way.

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: So calling Nymphette a cunt isn't being over offensive? I'd like to see what is then, really.

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: whale-watch protesting? Why would you protest something fun like that? It's cool to watch those magnificent creatures jump out of the water and enjoy the life they were given.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: I'm not trying to take sides in this...but...I don't think you know what over offensive is until your own friends are sitting here spiting you and such. If you guys think he's so wrong with his opinion, then just drop it, and stop caring. Kay...that was my random bit. soon as I actually post it something else will have been said to completely counter act what I just said.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: Well, I protest it because it hurts's a big long thing. Plus, you can get better sites from shore anyway, boats are bad. I'm a modern it's usually best not to get me started x.x

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: ~claps for [Grey Eyes]~ Thank you, and now back to the whale-watching protest. Why would you protest that?

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: ah... well, that makes sense. Ive never been out there, but Im sure if it hurts them, I wouldnt.

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: not really, [Grey Eyes], I actually agree with what you said, this whole thing is getting old, we should just drop it anyways (and don't worry, I'm not being sarcastic)

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: [Lost in Illusions] did not call her a cunt.

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: no seriously, before we stop fighting, read the little notice thing on top of this page

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: hang on i'll stop fighting screw it kk? just drop it, [Blackshire]

2005-04-27 [AbLam]: HAs anyone here seen KPAX with Kevin Spacey?

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: yes! i have, that's a great movie!

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: Actually, I just wanted to make that clear.

2005-04-27 [AbLam]: It's weird though

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: Yeah, it is weird, you're never really sure whether he actually is an alien or not

2005-04-27 [AbLam]: I Well I have to go. See ya later, all

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: Alrighty, see ya

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: My gosh...I'm confused x.x

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: who isn't..... who isn't.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: I'm going to try and spark up a conversation...I just ate some corn, it tasted nasty! =D

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: Iowa's the state of corn.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: Really now? How intriguing! =O Does every state have its own food or something? It's getting weird...I mean...I seriously wouldn't want to be known for being the potato state. >.>

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: Wisconsin's the cheese state, Virginia's got a big civil war theme going on, and I'm too light-headed to think of anymore.

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont even know what South Carolina is...

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: Idaho=Potatos Florida=Oranges and I think Washington=Apples...Hawaii=Pine-apple and Sugarcane ... umm....Alaska has the sled dogs and crab fishing...Oregon has ducks XD

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: I feel like hugging both of you, but I have no idea why.

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: ducks.... ducks are cool.

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: Ah, Chris, my ear's bleeding.

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: Literally.

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: really? Wow.... Mine started bleeding once about a year ago... inner-ear infection or soemthing... ~hugs~ Im sorry, dear.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: My gosh =O Random hug? Is this a normal manuever? Hmm...bleeding ears eh? At least a prostitute didn't steal your Kidney ^^

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: Ick.

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: ~blinks~ No... I suppose that's good... o.-

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah, I'm reading this weird book, at the begining the guy gets his Kidney stolen by a Prostitute...throughout the book he's trying to find her and get his Kidney back XD and he falls in love with her...and...he just got out of a psycho ward =/ I personally find the story kind of funny...because he's bleeding profusely and all he can think about is having sex x.x

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: Jesus Christ o_o

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah I know. It's really weird. But at least it makes you not feel quite so bad about your bleeding ear eh? x.x

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: ^^

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: Wow...someone going to have to stop me soon...or I'll keep talking about this book x.x this is the blurb: Phineas Poe-an ex-cop just released from a state psychiatric ward-wakes up in a Denver hotel room in a bathtub full of ice, with this soggy note in a seductive, girlish script stuck in his hand. A day, or was it two days earlier, he was lured into bed by a beautiful but menacing woman named Jude. Now he must be rushed to the hospital, for Jude, who counts amateur surgery among her unusual talents, has stolen one of his kidneys.

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: wow...that book isnt too fucked up...O_O

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]: It's all need to read it. It's called "Kiss me, Judas" by Will Christopher Baer....-end book-talk-time-

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: I'll be sure to check it out then.

2005-04-27 [Grey Eyes]:'s the wheather y'all?

2005-04-27 [Blackshire]: It's night time here so I can't tell.

2005-04-27 [Mines]: The more and more I scan around on the wiki and read the comments the angrier I am getting at random people's comments. I'm sorry to say but if you defend fake goths and you can't even be bothered to spell out you're (such at the girl from the banner page who told the creator that she's gay) i don't think all the fake goths even want you supporting them...

2005-04-27 [Goldice]: defending?

2005-04-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: And secondly (sorry I am [Mines] I posted under the wrong name)...If you have the word princess in any form of your email or whatever, then you just automaticaly make yourself look like you're 13.

2005-04-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Here's the comment that is the source of my anger. Well the first of the two... 2004-11-23 Victoria Louise: fuck off and dont speak about people like this y cant u jus leave people whos to say wat goth is anyway? u didnt make up the rules this is not a nice wiki jus leave people alone!

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: there is so much wrong with that sentence....

2005-04-27 [Falx]: Ok, so [// Grace //.And..Bend], you are saying that the people who come here defending fake goths are the source of your annoyance. Is that correct?

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: oh, and read my essay on my house! ^_^

2005-04-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: No, I'm saying the source of my annoyance if people who try and defend anything and still can't be bothered to spell out "You're"

2005-04-27 [Lost in Illusions]: that's what I noticed above all... along with the idiotic say they formed their opinion.

2005-04-27 [Goldice]: oh so its grammar and punctuation not the wiki? you could've made that clearer

2005-04-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I'm sorry that I didn't....

2005-04-27 [Goldice]: its ok. it makes the clarification easier

2005-04-27 [girl. interrupted.]: That's true, if you're going to defend them, make sure you sound smart, i mean honestly.

2005-04-27 [Rambert]: Some people here really need to take another english class, so that they can actually COMMUNICATE with other people. And spell correctly. Is that too much to ask, really?

2005-04-27 [AbLam]: For some, yes, it is. But everyone's good at different things.

2005-04-27 [Rambert]: But everyone needs to be at least decent at the language they were born and raised with, yes? I understand there are a lot of people here from around the world, but most of the people who spell horrendously/ make grammatical errors speak English.

2005-04-27 [AbLam]: yes yes, that is also true. I hate it when people do plural forms with an apostrophe! IT DRIVES ME NUTS! ex. the baby's. I mean it's's even in grammar books!

2005-04-28 [Rambert]: Yep. I just took the ACT, and the english portion always makes me chuckle, because there are certain answers that I KNOW people who don't know good english will mess up on. However, I sucked ass at the math and science part, so I'm not dissing people. As you said, everyone has their strengths.

2005-04-28 [AbLam]: Yes, mine is also not math or science. Oh well, thank god for professions that don't use math or science... well, science is okay, but math....not so good.

2005-04-28 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: My strong points are math, science, and english. My major is college will be honors biology. >_< that is if my stepmum continues to force me to go. *sigh*

2005-04-28 [Rambert]: Don't let people shove you into something you don't want to do. You'll regret it...

2005-04-28 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: In this case I am being shoved into it...

2005-04-28 [AbLam]: OH really, that sucks. I'm glad my mom would never make me do that.

2005-04-29 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: My mum accepts my idea but still insists I go. >_< My stepmum finally got mad at me cuz I stopped being so polite and nice about how I felt about her shoving me into things and trying to keep tabs on me at every moment of the day. It's like I DON'T EVEN LIVE WITH YOU!! STOP IT!!

2005-04-29 [AbLam]: holy crap that would make me SO MAD! God...I hate it when people do that.

2005-04-29 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah, everytime I tell my Mom I have a new friend or something she freaks out, she says things like "Are they punk rockers? Do they have peircings everywhere? Are they bad kids?" and I just sit here actually, she's the sweetest most reserved person I ever met. x.x tis' annoying.

2005-04-29 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I can sympathize. I guess I'm lucky. My mum is really really slack about rules for me and very very liberal about things. I don't actually have rules as of this moment. Well, the general follow the law type stuff but yea...I almost never get in trouble

2005-04-29 [Grey Eyes]: My mom nags at me all the time about how much food I eat. I could have literally not eaten anything that day, so I pick up an oatmeal bar, and then she's all like "Oh my god! My daughter's fat!" x.x tis' annoying. You're lucky.

2005-04-29 [AbLam]: Really? My mom nags me all time about not eating enough. I mean I could have just had like a triple cheese burger and she's like 'oh no, you're not eating enough!!!!' *rolls eyes*. Mothers. But I still love her she's great.

2005-04-29 [Grey Eyes]: I love my Mom, but I hate how she complains so much, it rubs off on me...(can you catch the irony of this sentence =O)

2005-04-29 [AbLam]: Yeah, I know. Haha Irony is always a good thing(y)

2005-04-29 [girl. interrupted.]: i know the feeling...hey KillingMeSoftly, my mom is just the same...she thinks I am much too drives me nuts. It's just like "MOM! STOP IT WITH THE FOOD THING!" and yes, i agree, it drives me insane when people use 's in a plural word...also when people say 'I Seen' instead of 'I've Seen', I hard can it be?!?!?! Come on!

2005-04-29 [girl. interrupted.]: Aha...isn't complaining fun though?

2005-04-29 [56fgghf9hgf]: My mom stopped bugging me about who I hang out with ever since I informed her how much head the, how shall I say?, pastel-inclined girls give to anything with a dick. At least my sexually active friends demand reciprocation. As for the food thing, my mom is on a perpetual diet and is always trying to get me to join her, because apparently being a size 10 in a 5’10” frame in unacceptable in our society.

2005-04-29 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: My grandma calls me up constantly to tell me I'm fat and depressed....she tells me that's why my life is terrible...everything is because I'm overweight and depressed....

2005-04-30 [+Devil is a Loser+]: man life is harsh init?

2005-04-30 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Meh, for the most part life is hilariously easy...

2005-04-30 [Goldice]: theres just no need for that. why dont you just tell her

2005-04-30 [AbLam]: yeah it's not like she's making your life any better by saying that.

2005-04-30 [Goldice]: making it worse if anything

2005-05-01 [+Devil is a Loser+]: no offence in any way here but wot kinda grandma do u have if she called u f@! that iz so very mean...especially coming from ur own family!

2005-05-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Heh...the same kind of grama that one day says she loves you and the next flips out on you...

2005-05-01 [AbLam]: Gee, she sounds like a great person....

2005-05-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: oh yea... *thumbs up*

2005-05-01 [girl. interrupted.]: man, if my grandma did that to me I would wait till she had a heart attack then dangle her medication just out of reach...revenge would be sooooo sweet *evil laugh*

2005-05-01 [Spanakopida]: God, I leave for a day, and suddenly everyone is whining about their parents.

2005-05-01 [Goldice]: grandparents

2005-05-01 [AbLam]: Let's not get into another 5 page long argument guys... anybody else have a huge craving for chocolate?

2005-05-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: A. I'm not whining and B. It's not my parents.....

2005-05-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Nope but here...have a cookie *hands cookie out*

2005-05-01 [Goldice]: anyone got any salmon? i keep having weird cravings

2005-05-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *hands you fishy*

2005-05-01 [Goldice]: thanks. wierd craving passed now

2005-05-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: cool....I have a feeling I didn't help but that's ok

2005-05-01 [Goldice]: no it did. i had chicken instead...

2005-05-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: oh

2005-05-01 [girl. interrupted.]: chicken tastes pretty good. but i really do prefer a nice juicy steak. *drools all over computer*

2005-05-01 [Rambert]: You know what I love? Chinese food. *now it's my turn to drool*

2005-05-01 [AbLam]: I could really use a turkey sandwich...Anyways how about them Oilers?

2005-05-01 [Rambert]: oilers? *raises eyebrow*

2005-05-02 [AbLam]: You know, The Edmonton was just something to say*shrugs*

2005-05-02 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *shruggs back* eh...taco hell for dinner >_<

2005-05-02 [AbLam]: mmm....tacos. Man, I need a life!

2005-05-02 [Goldice]: ive never had tacos

2005-05-02 [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Get your priorities right ^_^

2005-05-02 [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: There's no such fucking thing as 'Fake Goths' everyone has their own meaning to 'Goth'..Its a state of mind. So you might as well close this Wiki down..'cause its all shit.

2005-05-02 [// Grace //.And..Bend]:

2005-05-02 [Goldice]: calm down there luv. if its just opinions so is what you're saying. so watch your mouth and talk civily

2005-05-02 [56fgghf9hgf]: Hahaha. "State of mind." Go and listen to some more Marylin Manson, come back when you are less stupid.

2005-05-02 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Maybe you'll slit your wrists deep enough to finally kill

2005-05-02 [Lost in Illusions]: ;blinks; uh... how is this shit? The point is that everyone does have an opinion, which is why this wiki exists... we're here to keep our ideas straight from the stereotypes and glamourizations of the media...

2005-05-02 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I'm not actually part of the wiki....

2005-05-02 [Lost in Illusions]: that was directed to [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]

2005-05-02 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: oh atay

2005-05-03 [AbLam]: Me neither(not part of wiki), actually we are just talking about tacos.

2005-05-03 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont get that, either... talking about unrelated topics in an obviously topic-stated wiki.

2005-05-03 [AbLam]: well yeah everyone gets off topic. i guess talking about who is fake and who is not would get boring after a while. but then again, tacos are boring too, but they are also tasty.

2005-05-03 [girl. interrupted.]: hmm...true we are getting a little off topic, but i can't help it..this wikki always ends up in an annoying 10-page fight that clogs up the let's talk about tacos and everyone can be happy...i mean, what else is there to talk about? We pretty much argued everything about goths (you shoulf have heard me, Spanakopedia, Oblivion

2005-05-03 [girl. interrupted.]: 's Lover and Nymphette in our argument). you just weren't here. we really haven

2005-05-03 [girl. interrupted.]: 't much else to talk about.

2005-05-03 [girl. interrupted.]: Sorry about all the broken sentences... my computer is screwed in a weird way...:S

2005-05-03 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: It's alright I know my computers retarded >_<

2005-05-03 [Spanakopida]: Hehe, spanakopedia. I'm like an encyclopedia about Spanakopita :P

2005-05-03 [girl. interrupted.]: oops sorry wasn't sure how to spell it lol...*blushes*

2005-05-04 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: you know what i noticed, the guy in red on [Stormy101]s house looks oddly like one of the Heavyred models..i dont think she even knows him...

2005-05-04 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Hmmm.......

2005-05-05 [girl. interrupted.]: hmm, you know i never noticed that before...thars weird...

2005-05-05 [AbLam]: So many illipses! AAAA! *curls up in a corner and starts rocking back and forth*

2005-05-05 [Rambert]: it's "ellipses". just so you know.

2005-05-05 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hehe...I put up pictures of the beginning of my clay frog army in my house

2005-05-06 [AbLam]: Ooops, typo. Oh well, I got most of the word right...ELLIPSES!

2005-05-10 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hey

2005-05-10 [Goldice]: hello

2005-05-10 [cuntstitches]: [This Girl Has Love] This one is amusing, though I am relieved she's not going for the drippy eye makeup look.

2005-05-10 [Lost in Illusions]: awww, I like the drippy-eyed look... it makes them look twice as pathetic as they are. Hehe... actually, I think it looks kinda nice, but there's a time and a place for it, and 24/7 whereever is not it!

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